Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pop's Advice.

Graduation is quickly approaching and like any other college student, I have no idea what I am doing after I walk across the stage to get my diploma....although I do know what I am wearing on that day. Who knows where I will live, where I will work, my mode of transportation, and most importantly...if I will be able to keep my turtles.

You could say that I sort of had a minor break down about a week ago. Lots of thoughts were running through my mind as I tried to answer some of these questions. It is not good to think about this much heavy stuff in one setting, let alone as I lay in bed after waking up from a nap. To help answer some of these questions though...I called none other than my dad.

I have figured out who best to talk to in times of stress. Not my mom. She's great, but too much of a nurturer and always says, "ya, ya. I'm sorry." Not my sister. Because she's a bit young and doesn't understand most of the stuff I am going through. Ohh but she soon will. Not my brother. Because I have a hard time listening to him and taking his advice.

The best person to go to advice for pop. He lays it out on the table. Always tells me to suck it up, life isn't fair and you will get through this tough time. He always says, "things will work out. Never does my dad feel sorry for me. He always tells me this is life and "if it were easy, everyone would do it." That is the honest truth. If this life were easy...attempting to be successful at your job and in relationships, maintaining a growing relationship with the Lord, etc...then everyone would really do it. But life is tremendously difficult and as you can probably see, not everyone does it. It takes perseverance, hard work, sweat and tears, but in the end, it is so incredibly rewarding.

When I called my dad last week, he never felt sorry for me, but told me one good thing that has stuck with me since then. "Emily, your life isn't that bad. Honestly, look at it. You are pretty lucky."

Once again, hearing that reminded me that I need to look at all the blessings I am given and quit looking at the ones I do not have. I am a pretty lucky girl. Amazing family. Wonderful friends who have challenged, encouraged, and uplifted me. A fabulous education. A house (I would put a nice adjective in front of it, but it would be a huge exaggeration) to live in. A car to drive. Food everyday....never on the table, but at least everyday. Clothes to wear..probably too many. A chance to be a teacher to some pretty cool students. The list could go on and on.

I am one pretty darn lucky girl who is blessed. God will put me where He wants me to go doing what He wants me to do. In time, He will do exactly that.


  1. Great advice from your pops! Such a great perspective to learn and accept at your age, you will be far more successful because you can except your blessings! I will be praying for you and I know God ALWAYS leads the faithful. You are in HIS good hands!

    A good friend tells me often, "man may throw the dice, but only God knows where they will land" (Proverbs).

  2. God works in mysterious ways miss Em. When I was going through some tough times in my past it was always helpful to look back on them and realize how God used those times in my life to lead me where he wanted me to go. I really enjoyed reading your blog and about your dad's advice to you. I am just like you...a daddy's girl! There is just something about the way dad's say things that make them hit the heart. Keep listening to you heavenly father Em and he will keep leading you down the path that he designed for you. Unfortunately sometimes we have to realize that those who were the most faithful to the Lord's plan...were the ones who were killed for their beliefs. ouch! but soooo true! Love you girl. sorry for the random thoughts:)
